文藻華語中心 Wenzao Chinese Language Center


機車停車場動線變更 Change in Motorcycle Parking Traffic Flow


2 . 因應市政府封閉通道措施,校內正積極規劃修改學生機車停車場出入動線,預計於開學時能設置完成,提供同學們使用。

3. 【另請注意,自即日起至修改設置完成前,請同學們機車進出學生機車停車場之動線,暫由鼎中路校門口出入。 】



The Office of Road and Accessory Maintenance has already set up the barrier on the sidewalk outside the student motorcycle parking lot on September 3 in accordance with the relevant regulations of the City Government. This section of the road is open to pedestrians and bicycles only; motorcycles and automobiles are not allowed.

To accommodate the change, motorcycle access routes to/from the parking lot will be modified effective September 11, the first day of school.

-Enter from the front entrance (Minzu Rd.)

-Exit from the back entrance (Dingzhong Rd)

When driving on campus, please follow the signs, slow down, give priority to pedestrians, and pay attention to other vehicles to ensure the safety of everyone.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
