黃琳玲 Doris Huang


Registration for Formal TOCFL (CAT) on 24-25 April 2021 is Now Open!

Please be notified that the Listening & Reading (CAT) TOCFL will be administered on 24-25 April 2021.

The registration period is from 3/15 ~ 3/31.

Welcome the candidates who are non-native speakers of Chinese to take the test. The test seats are limited, seize the chance!

How to register?

  1. Create an account on the "TOCFL Online Registration System" if you don't have one.

  2. 🉐Get an "E-Coupon Code" at the Chinese Language Centre office❗❗❗

  3. Log in to the "Registration System" to register for a test and confirm the registration before submitting.

  4. Print out the "TOCFL Payment Slip " and pay at 7-Eleven/ FamilyMart/ HiLife/ OK before the payment deadline.

[More Details] [Register for Test] [Learn More]

Test Taker's Health Declaration:

In order to alleviate the impact of novel coronavirus pneumonia (a.k.a. COVID-19), test takers are required to comply with the epidemic prevention measures requested by the test center. Please read and print the new “Test Taker's Health Declaration” form, sign your name on it and give it to the proctor on the test day. All test takers should wear your own mask during the test at all times. If you violate the rules, you will not be allowed to take the test. Thank you for your cooperation.

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2021 TOCFL Formal Test Schedule in Taiwan

2021 TOCFL Formal Test Schedule in Taiwan
