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《EZ Chinese - i中文》免費華語數位課程上線啦!

《EZ Chinese - i中文》免費華語數位課程上線啦!
《EZ Chinese - i中文》免費華語數位課程上線啦!

文藻華語中心製作了一門文化屬性的數位免費課程 《EZ Chinese - i中文》 ,以生動活潑的風格,由初級程度入門,跳脫以往漸進式的課程學習文化,即嘗試引領學習者透過網路人氣主題,直觀式地習得與熟悉,這些貼近真實生活的日常文化。


Learning Taiwanese Mandarin and Traditional Chinese Characters for #FREE!









Course Introduction

This course is designed to help international people who are interested in Chinese culture to learn practical Chinese phrases and conversations in everyday life.

What you'll learn?

This course uses a combination of interesting dialogues, vocabulary and grammar exercises to stimulate learners to use all their faculties and to increase their motivation to speak Chinese.

The aim is to inspire students of all levels and backgrounds to communicate and interact with local people.

Course Features

The content of the course is based on everyday life and, unlike the usual Chinese textbooks, there is more room for discussion on each topic.

Through illustrations and example sentences, students are guided to make free associations, learn how to ask questions, and apply grammar and word order to simple sentence patterns. As they follow along and keep practising, they will naturally acquire culturally correct concepts of language.


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《EZ Chinese - i中文》註冊流程
《EZ Chinese - i中文》註冊流程

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