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2022春季班》華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL) 考前準備班 (Band A & B) 開放報名中!Free TOCFL Preparation Class for Band A & B

華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL) 考前準備班開放報名中!
華語文能力測驗 (TOCFL) 考前準備班開放報名中!


  • 課程日期: 2022/04/21 - 2021/05/22

  • 課程時間: 每週二、四 下午13:10~15:00

  • 課程時數: 共計20小時(10次上課,每次上課2小時)。

  • 地點: 華語中心教室

  • 對象: 華語中心2203期春季班學生

  • 開班條件: 5人即可開班,最多15人滿班。 (minimum: 5 people; maximum: 15 people)

  • 學費: NT$0 (原價:NT$5,000)


  1. 學生須出席16小時者(8次上課),則可退押金(NT$1,000)。

  2. 第一週(4/21-26)可以換班,但如果你原來的班只剩五位學生,則無法換班。

  3. Band A 課程適合121~151班之學員報名。

  4. Band B 課程適合161~191班之學員報名。



Class Information

  • Class Date: 21 April 2022 - 22 May 2022

  • Class Time: Every Tuesday & Thursday 13:10~15:00

  • Class Hour: 20 hours

  • Classroom: TBD

  • Eligibility: Wenzao CLC students who have enrolled in the 2022 Spring term

  • Maximum: 15 students

  • Tuition: NT$0 (Original: NT$5,000)


  1. Free for the CLC students who register 2022 Spring term and need to pay NT$1,000 as a deposit. Once the deposit is paid, you cannot drop the class.

  2. Students need to attend at least 16 hours of the class (8 times of the class) and will refund the deposit.

  3. Students can change the class during 4/21-4/26. But if there are only 5 students left in your original class, you can't change the class.

  4. Band A is for students in class 121~151.

  5. Band B is for students in the class 161~191.

👉🏻Sign up for the free TOCFL preparation class at the CLC office today!

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