三、高雄市最新停班停課訊息 http://www.dgpa.gov.tw
【Typhoon Day Class Suspension Notice】
1. Due to the approach of Typhoon Gaemi, the Kaohsiung City Government has declared a city-wide "work and class suspension" on Wednesday, July 24th. To ensure the safety of students and staff, all in-person classes at the Chinese Language Center are suspended.
2. There will be no makeup classes for this suspension (individual classes will be postponed).
3. For the latest updates on work and class suspensions in Kaohsiung City,
please visit http://www.dgpa.gov.tw
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查看全部🔔 提醒您: 寒假期間 1/13(一)~2/7(五),營業時間調整為 週一至週四 8:30 ~ 16:30 及 週五8:30 ~ 16:00。 春節期間 1/27(一)~ 1/31(五),暫停營業。 如造成不便敬請見諒。
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