文藻華語中心 WENZAO CLC2021年3月4日狂賀!本中心書法班學員參加永安天文宮第五十一屆「天文獎」全國書法比賽國際組再創佳績!The students of the calligraphy class have achieved another great result in the 51st Annual Calligraphy Competition of Tian Wen Temple Rules and Regulations!資料來源:https://www.xn--rss18chd615bwmi.com/ch/competition_grades.php
The students of the calligraphy class have achieved another great result in the 51st Annual Calligraphy Competition of Tian Wen Temple Rules and Regulations!資料來源:https://www.xn--rss18chd615bwmi.com/ch/competition_grades.php