陳顗亘Gustav Chen2021年3月22日榮譽榜2021春季班獎學金獲獎名單 2021 Spring Term Scholarship RecipientsWe hope you take pride in being included and celebrate the achievement of your Chinese goals! Congratulations!🎉 華語成績最優獎 EXCELLENCE/LEVEL...
文藻華語中心 WENZAO CLC2021年3月4日榮譽榜狂賀!本中心書法班學員參加永安天文宮第五十一屆「天文獎」全國書法比賽國際組再創佳績!The students of the calligraphy class have achieved another great result in the 51st Annual Calligraphy Competition of Tian Wen Temple...
文藻華語中心 WENZAO CLC2020年12月14日榮譽榜2020冬季班獎學金獲獎名單 2020 Winter Term Scholarship Recipients AnnouncedWe hope you take pride in being included and celebrate the achievement of your Chinese goals! Congratulations!🎉 華語成績最優獎 EXCELLENCE/LEVEL...
文藻華語中心 WENZAO CLC2020年11月9日榮譽榜【2020 在文藻學華語的小時光影片競賽】得獎名單 Winner List of 2020 Short-Film Competition: Learning Chinese at Wenzao🥇Anh Tu NGUYEN (Vietnam🇻🇳) 特優獎:獎金新台幣 5,000 元,獎狀乙張,學費 8 折券乙張。 High Distinction Award: NT$ 5,000, one certificate, and one 20% off...